HogwartsSchool Role Play Wiki
History Of Magic


1st Year[]

Write an essay about the founding of Hogwarts. Include basic information about the four founders and other basic information.

2nd Year[]

Explain the myth of the Chamber of secrets and how it turned out to be a fact. Include information about both times it was opened.

3rd Year[]

Explain the basics of the Goblin Rebellions and include reasons behind them.

4th Year[]

First Wizarding War-Write a complete essay explaining the entire First Wizarding War. Make sure you include:

  • Rise of the Heir of Slytherin
  • Voldemort's immersion in the Dark Arts
  • Death Eater Rebellion
  • Height of the War
  • Decline of the Death Eaters
  • The Prophecy
  • Death of the Potter Family
  • End of the War
  • Aftermath

It should be on the long side as essays go, but it doesn't have to be super long and you only need to write a little about each subject.

5th Year[]

Pick a Headmaster of Hogwarts to write an essay on. Please approve your choice with your Professor, as only one student can do each headmaster.

6th Year[]

Second Wizarding War-Write a complete essay explaining the entire Second First Wizarding War. Make sure you include:

half your grade. Make sure you touch on at least 6 of the following,but feel free to do more.

  • Rebirth of Voldemort
  • Ministry of Magic Denial
  • Battle of the Department of Mysteries
  • Ministry declares war
  • Battle of the Astronomy Tower
  • Fall of the Ministry of Magic
  • Infiltration of the Ministry
  • Attack at Godric's Hollow
  • Ambush at the Lovegood House
  • Skirmish at Malfoy Manor
  • Skirmish at Malfoy Manor
  • Battle of Hogwarts
  • The Duel in the Great Hall
  • Aftermath

It should be on the long side as essays go, but it doesn't have to be super long and you only need to write a little about each subject.

7th Year[]

Write a detailed essay about the founder of your house, his/her life, values and work in Hogwarts. Do you still think any of this is similar? Would they be happy with the way their Hogwarts house is today? Explain and support your opinion.
