HogwartsSchool Role Play Wiki

The Astronomy Tower is the tallest tower at Hogwarts.

Starry skie

It is where students study the stars and planets through their telescopes in Astronomy lessons. This is usually done during midnight when the stars are best seen.


1st Year[]

List down the eight planets of the Solar System, plus Pluto and give these information for each of them:

  • diameter
  • volume
  • mass
  • common composition (what elements they are made of)
  • rotation
  • revolution period

2nd Year[]

Explain what a meteor, asteroid and comet are.

3rd Year[]

Put a picture of the sun on your homework with the complete divisions of the parts of the sun and its labels. Then, give a description about the parts. Describe the sun's characteristics and common phenomena with the sun involved.

4th Year[]

Create a creative role-play where you get lost and try to find the North Star (Polaris) by looking for the Big Dipper, then use it to find your way back.

5th Year[]

Give 8 constellations each in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres and write brief information about them.

6th Year[]

Choose a culture and write an essay about their believes and astronomy about the Seven Classical Planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, the Sun and the Moon).

7th Year[]

Choose a star and write a complete report on in.
